Bell-Everman ServoBelt Arc Drive Features New Large-Diameter Rotary Stage
Bell-Everman has introduced a new multi-axis transfer robot based on its proven ServoBelt backlash-free belt drive technology. Called ServoBelt Arc Drive, it features custom designed rotary and tilt axes that precisely position semiconductor glass panels.
Measuring 450 mm across, the robot’s large rotary axis is built around a ServoBelt drive mechanism and a proprietary Bell-Everman bearing design. The stage offers a torque rating of 200 N-m (400 N-m ultimate), speeds up to 150 rpm and repeatability to ±22 µrad (0.001º).
The large-diameter rotary stage on this robot can be scaled to larger sizes and is available as a separate product. “The combination of ServoBelt and our bearing design results in a low-cost, lightweight alternative to heavy, expensive table drives,” says Michael Everman, Bell-Everman’s founder and chief technical officer.
The robot’s tilt axis, which moves the entire rotary stage assembly and its payload up to 90 degrees, is driven by an arc shaped ServoBelt drive mechanism, which can also be scaled and applied to other tilt applications.
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