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Norton's Vortex Rapid Prep Flap Discs

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Nov 18,2022


Saint-Gobain Abrasives, one of the world’s largest abrasives manufacturers, introduced the Norton Vortex Rapid Prep Non-Woven Flap Discs lasting longer and producing significantly increased cutting rates and smear-free finishes simultaneously. Norton patented Vortex agglomerated aluminum oxide grain technology enables the cutting power of a coarser grit while producing a finer finish in one abrasives disc solution. The company reports based on tests performed, the new non-woven discs can increase material removal rates (MRR) more than 50% compared to non-woven medium grit flap discs.

“Our new Vortex Rapid Prep Flap Discs are an ideal upgrade from traditional Rapid Prep single layer hook and loop discs and are a perfect complement to coated flap and fiber discs, generating impressive performance results in blending and finishing,” says Mr. Michael Radaelli, Senior Product Manager, Norton | Saint-Gobain Abrasives.

Ideal for light blending, stripping, edge breaking, and surface prep applications in key industries such as metal fabrication and welding, aerospace, transportation, energy, and construction, the new Norton flap discs feature special three-dimensional non-woven abrasive layers. This design ensures uniform finishing with a consistently low surface finish value. Multiple layers of surface conditioning material provide added life, fewer disc changes for better efficiency, and reduced vibration. The discs also feature Norton proprietary Clean Bond resin technology guaranteeing smear-free finishes, even on high nickel content alloys, and reduced loading when cutting aluminum and other softer metals.

Norton Vortex Rapid Prep Type 27 Discs also provide forgiveness and reduced vibration on uneven surfaces for maximum ergonomic use. Discs are offered in 4-1/2" x 7/8" and 4-1/2" x 5/8"-11 sizes in fine, very fine, medium, and coarse grits.

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