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SKF Luton factory closure would be a blow for the town and regional economy according to Luton MP

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Jun 09,2023


The proposed closure of SKF's Luton factory, which would see the loss of around 300 jobs would be "a blow for the town and regional economys" according to Luton MP, Sarah Owen.

The Luton North MP has called on SKF to work with unions to protect manufacturing jobs in Luton, emphasizing the town's proud history of manufacturing. The manufacturer of roller bearings announced plans to move its operations to Poland, with full closure expected by the end of 2024.

The closure of the SKF factory, which has been in Luton for more than 100 years, would see up to 300 manufacturing jobs in the town lost. Owen has called on Government Ministers to do "all they can" to make Luton’s manufacturing future "as strong as its past", including investing in new technologies.

Sarah Owen, MP for Luton North said: "This is a blow for our town and regional economy and especially for the workers whose jobs are now under threat. Luton has a proud manufacturing history and I urge company bosses and Government Ministers to do all they can to ensure our town has a manufacturing future as strong as its past. Investing in future technology is key to this.

"SKF have been in Luton for well over a hundred years and thousands of workers have given their experience and best years there. That matters. I sincerely hope the bosses as SKF work constructively with trade unions to respect that longstanding connection to our town."

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