NTN Employee Receives FY2015 (11th) JSPE Young Engineer Award

Published on:09 Sep,2015
Mr. Naoki Konagai of the New Product Development R&D Center, NTN Corporation has received the FY2015 (11th) JSPE Young Engineer Award*.
Award Name

JSPE (Japan Society for Precision Engineering) Young Engineer Award

* Awarded to up-and-coming creative and promising researchers and engineers under the age of 35 who achieved significant results in the field of precision engineering. The prize recognizes their efforts and devotion, and also aims to spur active motivation for conducting a greater level of research. (excerpt from JSPE Young Engineer Award regulations)

Awarded Person

Naoki Konagai, New Product Development R&D Center, NTN Corporation


Development of Parallel Link High Speed Angle Control Equipment

Achievement Overview

The “Parallel Link High Speed Angle Control Equipment” was developed that allows positioning over two degrees of freedom. The developed product uses a unique parallel link mechanism that differs to ordinary composition, resulting in a compact size and a wide range of moving angles. A proprietary drive mechanism and control algorithm was successful in delivering high-speed, high-precision positioning and limiting vibrations while stabilization. As a result, the developed product commercialized for use with production equipment such as grease coating applicators and automated welding equipment, and contributed to improvements in productivity. A combination of end effector and other actuators will help to advance automation and the use of robots in production equipment that Japan excels at, and the equipment is expected to play an active role in various applications such as medical and welfare, as well as day-to-day life (including services and entertainment).

Parallel Link High Speed Angle Control Equipment

Reason for Receiving the Award
The “Parallel Link High Speed Angle Control Equipment” is making major contributions to productivity improvements in processes such as grease coating applications with short takt times and automated welding equipment that require precise movement, and in the future is expected to help further advance the automation and use of robots in production equipment that Japan excels at.
Mr. Naoki Konagai is in charge of the mechanical design and testing of the equipment, and in addition to contributing to commercialization of the equipment chiefly for the welding process, also covers development for other applications. For these efforts, he was recognized as a creative and promising researcher who achieved significant results.