Split bearing

Split bearing

Product name: Split bearing

Split bearings are a type of bearing that is designed with detachable halves to facilitate easier installation and maintenance. They are suitable for applications that have limited access and require frequent bearing replacement.
Split bearings are commonly used in heavy-duty industrial applications such as mining, pulp and paper, cement, and power generation. These bearings are capable of withstanding high loads, shock, and vibration due to their robust construction.
The two halves of the bearing are designed to fit snugly together, providing a secure and stable connection. The split design also allows for easy access to the bearing for inspection and maintenance, without having to remove the entire assembly from the equipment.
Split bearings come in a range of sizes and configurations to suit various applications and operating conditions. They may be manufactured from different materials, such as steel or cast iron, depending on the specific industry requirements.
In addition, split bearings can be customized to meet specific application needs, such as bearing seals, lubrication systems, and temperature monitoring.
Overall, split bearings provide a cost-effective and reliable solution for industrial applications that require frequent bearing replacement or maintenance. They offer quick and easy installation and replacement, reducing equipment downtime and minimizing overall costs.
OCD Bearing Co., Ltd
  2nd year
Contact person:Mr Chang(Click to contact)
Address:Industrial Park, Yandian Town, Linqing City
Telephone: +8613468370999
Website: http://www.ocdbearing.com
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