Product 3

Product 3

Product name: Product 3


The company is committed to the research and manufacturing of general high and new technological products. With 20 years’ research and development production experiences, it has professional researchers and advanced equipments, including 36 sets of import equipments and 126 sets of major high precision processing equipments. The company has invested the modernized workshops, containing a world-class advanced heat treatment workshop, two mechanical processing workshops, and modernized constant temperature dust free assembly workshop, provincial metrology inspection centre, heat treatment lab, modernized management storehouse etc. Relying on domestic and oversea markets, the company has formed good circulation of a generation of development, a generation of store, and a generation of production in product development and manufacturing. At the same time, with the enhancement of the investment of development and research, the company has created its own brand and strived to increase the export of high technological and high value added products. Moreover, it has achieved excellent record with the annual production scale of 3 million sets, achieving the profits tax of RMB 15 million.

Shandong Sino-Germany Precision Bearing Manufacturing Co.,Ltd
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Address:001# TangYuan Economic Development Zone, LinQing city ,ShanDong Province, China
Zip: 252666
Telephone: +86-635-2816966
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