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Carter Mfg. joins Moog aviation hydrogen project

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Nov 27,2023


Precision bearing specialist Carter Manufacturing is participating in development of an aviation hydrogen project, the Future Engine Technology for the Control of Hydrogen (FETCH). This key project is a collaboration of the University of Bath/IAAPS, Cranfield University, along with Moog Inc., Baker Hughes Druck, Curtiss-Wright and Carter Manufacturing.

The collaboration, led by Moog Aircraft in the UK, is focused on the development of the key technologies required to exploit the benefits of future aircraft hydrogen fuel systems. The project has secured match funding from the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) program, a joint government and industry investment and is one of a number of initiatives designed to maintain and grow the UK’s competitive position in civil aerospace design and manufacture.

Carter Manufacturing’s contribution to this project is to develop bespoke [customized] bearing solutions for liquid and gaseous nitrogen, based on their experience in developing bearings for cryogenic applications, such as rocket propulsion, commercial industrial pump applications, and scientific research.

From critical space to commercial aerospace applications Carter provides precision bearings, including hybrid, thin section, spherical plain, and miniature, which are LNG, LOX, CH4, LH2 and LN2 compatible. Karl Brundell, managing director of Carter Manufacturing comments, “We are delighted to be part of this ground-breaking collaboration, driving the development and innovation of this important sustainable aviation initiative.” He added, “The FETCH collaboration is an excellent example of our commitment to accelerate the development of hydrogen powered aircraft and underlines our expertise in developing bearings which excel in challenging and complex hydrogen applications.”

Carter Manufacturing has decades of experience within the cryogenic industry extending to fully submersible pumps within the energy sector, to liquid oxygen turbo pumps in the space sector. Bearings supplied by Carter undergo rigorous cryogenic testing procedures after assembly and before shipping. This includes submerging our bearings in liquid nitrogen and performing quality inspection tests to ensure that bearings arrive at our customer’s facilities having already successfully performed in cryogenic temperatures.

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