About Us


The company was founded on June 06, 1960, in the city of Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

We have over 50 years experience, which allows us to understand the smallest details of the market and anticipate the needs of our customers. We are one of the largest product distributors for the agricultural, industrial and automotive segments, aligning safety and speed through both domestic and foreign alliances with the best suppliers in each segment, ensuring customer safety through technically specialized services.

IMDEPA is a company focused on the market, constantly implementing processes for modernization and seen as a benchmark in solutions for the parts market.


To ensure excellence in logistics and sales, in the agricultural, industrial and automotive markets, for the Brazilian and replacement parts industry, developing employees and ensuring added-value for shareholders. Thus, our goal is to be recognized as the leading provider of services and products in the market.


Ethical behavior, fulfillment of commitments and quality processes.